"Renata Zanchi - Beauty Shot by Ferran Casanova"

Healthy New Year!!

Hello world,

After endless lunches, brunches, dinners, afternoon snack + the last slice of Panettone -I swear- time, our body is asking us a break. As you will imagine, over the years as authentic Italian I have devised an infallible method that I always put into practice after spending some days in my home country, especially at Christmas time.

First of all, no panic: it is good to start as soon as possible, but don’t forget we have plenty of time in front of us to recover, actually a whole year! I will never get tired of repeating that the most important thing is constancy. Last minute strict diets are bad for our health.

"Renata Zanchi - Beauty Shot by Ferran Casanova"
Renata Zanchi - Beauty Shot by Ferran Casanova

So, after pointing out that, let’s start! From now on, the most important thing to do is to eliminate fats from our diet: ADIOS panettone, pandoro, chocolate, nougat, mascarpone, sauces, fried and junk food in general and WELCOME vegetables and fruits –better if fresh and of the season-, white meat (turkey or chicken), BOILED eggs – to all my Spanish readers: Iet me point out that tortilla is NOT included in the list, unless baked – boiled rice, tuna and all fish in general – I love baked salmon for example, I could eat it everyday 🙂 .

"I leave you some picts of one of my last editorials. Coming soon...in the Spanish AR."
I leave you some picts of one of my last editorials. Coming soon...in the Spanish AR.

ADIOS alcohol, soft drinks and sugar and WELCOME fresh natural water! The best thing to do now is to hydrate and give minerals and vitamins to our body. Fresh natural juices are also a good alternative. You can mix fruits and vegetables: orange+carrot+lemon for example, the famous ACE, one of my favorite, or also tomato+lemon+leek+ carrot+mango. Just experiment and be creative!!

"Patricia Garrido and Juanjo checking all the details for a perfect result! Can't wait to see our editorial published!"
Patricia Garrido and Juanjo checking all the details for a perfect result! Can't wait to see our editorial published!

Infusions are also a good solution, especially now in wintertime. I have plenty of them at home, I am a super fan! An example? Green tea+Guaranà+Pineapple (fat burning effect) or Equisetum+Citrus (draining effect) 😉

"Ready...and snooooooooow!!!"
Ready...and snooooooooow!!!

ADIOS sofas and chaise longs and WELCOME gym, bicycle and a nice walk in the park, alone or with your 4 paws friend. There is nothing I love more in this world than taking Giulio out for a walk. No need to make a marathon. 45-60min, 3-4 days a week are enough.

So, ragazzi!! No time to waste!! I run to the gym, today spinning class!

I wish you all a wonderful Healthy New Year!!



"New year, new website!! Here a small frame. Take a look at www.renatazanchi.com Hope you like it!"
New year, new website!! Here a small frame. Take a look at www.renatazanchi.com Hope you like it!

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