Barcelona Indignada

Hello world,

Finally I feel better. During the last 3 days I didn’t do anything else than sleeping. I had to recharge batteries. My last days were very busy and spent many hours on air and at airports. I love flying, but the truth is that after some days here and there you start feeling very tired, your skin gets dry and your bones and muscles hurt. I’m so happy to be back in Barcelona!! Unfortunately these last days are very sad in my city. People are angry and tired of the economic situation in Spain: unemployment and no money. HISPANISTAN is how people call our country. This apolitical and peaceful protest started on May 15th. It didn’t seem to have big future, but the truth is that the ‘el movimiento de los indignados’ started to grow, got bigger and bigger and today keeps on being there, at Plaza Catalunya. In many other cities in the country is happening the same. The incredible thing is that abroad TV news are not showing what is happening in Barcelona, or at least they spend just a few words about that but not describing the situation as an urgent matter.
Yesterday afternoon I was among the ‘indignados’. People of any political side, any age, any social background. United for a common matter: a change in this country. Yesterday morning the police reacted very hard, they had an order to clean Palza Catalunya. Tonight there is will be the final of the Champions League and if FC Barcelona wins against Manchester…it’s expected that more than 80.000 people will be there to celebrate the victory. But at the end what it seemed to be a normal action for hygienic and civic reasons turned out to be another reason of indignation. Wounded people, ambulances, chaos. The result? Last night the number of Indignados at Plaza Catalunya was 5 times bigger.

I hope that a change will arrive soon, but with no more violence. I will keep you updated about the Indignada Barcelona.
I wanted this post to be about my last jobs and trips, but I felt it was necessary to spend some words about what is happening here. In my next post I’ll tell you all the details about my last crazy weeks.

Big hug from Barcelona world.


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