"Thank God we have amazing makeup artists that make miracles on set!! Susan, Ti amooooo ♥"


Hello world,

"New amazing portrait by talented Rayan Ayash. Not planned pictures are always the best! NYC."
New amazing portrait by talented Rayan Ayash. Not planned pictures are always the best! NYC.

I am so happy to be here, shooting in Santa Barbara. I hadn’t been in California for a while, and after the chill of New York being under the sun of California does not sound bad at all.

I am just back at the hotel. First day check ✔. I am still jetlagged, and need to take advantage of the spare time to relax and sleep. As you know, before flying here I was back in Europe for other shootings that took place between Berlin and Milan. This means I spent the majority of the time of the past week from one airport to the other. I have earned thousands of miles in a row. My Super Gold Frequent Flyer Status (does it exist?) is getting closer and closer. I also want a black card like George Clooney in Up in the Air. Including a plane called RZ and a special chat with the captain. Oooh yes, I want it so bad ajjaajjajaja

I start to feel little wired lately. I met a nice couple on my flight to San Francisco the other day and I was asked where I was from and where I Was living. First question, easy: Made in Milano, Italy. But the second…OMG…I started to make rounds and rounds, I even think I was assuming an extremely concentrated expression while answering, and the thing is that I couldn’t arrive to a conclusion. Please, this is serious guys:

“Well. I live in NY at the moment, but I was in Miami till some months ago, and probably will go back there, … but also in Europe, in Spain, because I live there too, you know, in Barcelona…but of course, I cannot leave NY, it is amazing, so I think I will probably stay there, if I don’t move to London first”.

Yes. This was my elaborated, confused and 100% lost NO-ANSWER. And was in that moment, after watching the same confused and 100% lost expression of the adorable old lady that I came to this conclusion: “I live in different places, let’s make it easy, let’s say I simply…live on Planet Earth.”

In the end, since the very first day I have chosen to start every post of my blog with ‘Hello World’. There must be a reason for it, isn’t it true?

Lots of love from Santa Barbara xxx

"I was a child when I saw on TV crowds of East Germans crossing and climbing onto the wall. Goose Bumps. Was so nice to meet you Berlin."
I was a child when I saw on TV crowds of East Germans crossing and climbing onto the wall. Goose Bumps. Was so nice to meet you Berlin.
"And after a 'Jetlag sightseeing', time for work. On set in Berlin. #Zeitzumarbeiten"
And after a 'Jetlag sightseeing', time for work. On set in Berlin. #Zeitzumarbeiten

Sono molto contenta di essere qui a lavorare Santa Barbara. Era da un po’ che non venivo a lavorare nella West coast, e devo dire che dopo il freschino di New York stare sotto il sole della California non suona per niente male.

Sono appena rientrata in hotel. Primo giorno, check ✔. Il jetlag si fa ancora sentire e devo approfittare del tempo libero per rilassarmi e dormire. Come saprete, prima di arrivare qui sono stata in Europa per altri lavori tra Berlino e Milano. in altre parole, ho trascorso la maggior parte del tempo dell’ultima settimana tra un aereoporto l’altro. Ho accumulato migliaia di miglia in una volta sola. Il mio Super Gold Flyer Status – esisterà?- si avvicina sempre più. Anche io voglio una carta nera come George Clooney in Up in the Air. Oltre ad un aereo chiamato RZ e una chiacchierata in privato con il comandante dell’aereo. Oooh yes, non vedo l’ora hahahahahah

Ultimamente mi sento un po’ strana. L’altro giorno ho conosciuto una coppia di signori molto carina sul volo per San Francisco. Mi hanno chiesto di dove ero e dove vivevo. Prima domanda, easy: made in Milano, Italia. Ma la seconda…mamma mia…ho inconsciamente iniziato a girare attorno all’argomento con tanto di espressione concentratissima senza riuscire ad arrivare ad uan conclusione. Ragazzi, e’ serissimo, vietato ridere:

“Beh, attualmente vivo a NY, ma fino a qualche mese fa ero a Miami, dove probabilmente tornerò inizio d’anno,…o lì, o in Europa, in Spagna, visto che vivo anche lì, sapete, a Barcellona…ma chiaro, non posso di certo non lasciare New York, è fantastica, quindi credo che rimarrò qui, se non decido di andare prima a Londra.”

Si. Questa e’ stata la mia elaborata, confusa, 100% NON-RISPOSTA. Fu in quel esatto instante, dopo dopo aver visto la altrettanto confusa e 100% persa espressione dell’adorabile signora che sono arrivata questa conclusione: “vivo in tanti posti diversi, facciamolo facile, diciamo semplicemente che…vivo sul pianeta Terra.”

Alla fine dal primo momento ho scelto di iniziare ogni mio post con “Hello World”. Una ragione ci sarà, no?

"Flying First to San Francisco. Pre-nap selfie. Tired Jetlagged face. "
Flying First to San Francisco. Pre-nap selfie. Tired Jetlagged face.
"On set in Santa Barbara with my partner in Crime @a.salvato_ufc Remembering Milano. So nice to meet her again on the other side of the ocean ♥"
On set in Santa Barbara with my partner in Crime @a.salvato_ufc Remembering Milano. So nice to meet her again on the other side of the ocean ♥

Estoy muy contenta de trabajar aquí, en Santa Bárbara. Hacia bastante que no venía a trabajar en la costa oeste y tengo que decir que después del fresquito de New York estar bajo el sol de la California no suena nada mal.

Acabo de volver al hotel. Primer día check ✔. El Jetlag aún se hace sentir, así que tengo que aprovechar todo el tiempo libre para relajarme y dormir. Como sabréis, antes de llegar aquí estuve viajando por diversos trabajos entre Berlin y Milan. En otras palabras, he pasado la mayor parte de la última semana entre un aeropuerto otro.

He acumulado miles de millas de una sola vez. Mi Súper Gold Frequent Flyer Status – existirá?- esta cada dia más cercano. Yo también quiero la tarjeta negra como George Clooney en Up in the Air, además de un avión RZ y una charla en privado con el comandante. Me muerooooo jajajajajaja.

Empiezo a sentirme un poco rara últimamente. El otro día conocí una pareja muy agradable en mi vuelo por San Francisco. Me preguntaron de dónde era y donde vivía. Primera pregunta, fácil: Milano, Italia. Pero la segunda…mamma mia…sin darme cuenta empece a girar y girar alrededor de la pregunta, super concentrada y sin lograr llegar a una conclusión. Chicos, esto va muy en serio. No vale reírse.

“Bueno, actualmente vivo en NY, pero hasta hasta hace algunos meses estaba en Miami, donde probablemente volveré a comienzo año…allí o en Europa, en España, ya que vivo allí también, ya sabéis, en Barcelona…pero claro, no puedo dejar NY, es fantástica así que creo que me quedaré aquí, si es que no decido antes ir un tiempo a Londres.”

Si. Esta fue mi elaborada, confundida, 100% NON RESPUESTA. Y fue en aquel preciso instante, después de ver la igualmente confusa y 100% pérdida expresión de la adorable señora que he llegue a esta conclusión: “vivo en muchos sitios diferentes, hagámoslo fácil, digamos simplemente que…vivo en el planeta tierra.”

Al final desde el primer día elegí empezar cada post con “Hello World”. Habrá alguna razón, no?

"Thank God we have amazing makeup artists that make miracles on set!! Susan, Ti amooooo ♥"
Thank God we have amazing makeup artists that make miracles on set!! Susan, Ti amooooo ♥
"New day, New look. Waiting in the van for my turn to shoot. No wind, no sun :-("
New day, New look. Waiting in the van for my turn to shoot. No wind, no sun 🙁

Lots of Love for all xxx


"Feel the wind. By @DaGodfaddah. NYC."
Feel the wind. By @DaGodfaddah. NYC.

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