Hello world,
The season has started and I’m getting quite busy actually. Yesterday I spent all my day in Madrid to shoot an editorial for Hola! magazine. The location was Ferran Nuñez Palace and I literally felt like a princess. I still can’t tell you a lot about the shooting, but I’m sure that when the editorial comes out you will understand why. Anyway, as always you can have a little preview in my backstage session on Facebook.
The previous day I made two shows for Loewe and when I arrived home after the job I had to wash my hair 3 times. I’m sure that all the girls who worked with me did the same. We had sooo much product in the hair that only one shampoo would have been a joke! Yesterday I had the train to Madrid at 7:30. I almost cried when I heard my alarm clock at 5:30! Maybe it’s a little exaggerated, I recognize that, but I love getting ready quietly. Anyway, I washed my hair again in the morning (I always prefer washing the hair the same day of the job) and left home at 6:45. So, this means that I washed my hair 4 times in less than 10 hours! Fortunately this doesn’t happen every day, otherwise I would be bald now.
All my sacrifices have been soon rewarded as soon as I jumped into the AVE. They served a delicious breakfast on the train: eggs, little breads, croissants, jam, butter, yoghurt, all kinds of juices and even a little Lindt 70% chocolate at the end. Do you know a sweeter way to start your day and make your journey more pleasant?
We were 6 girls and 2 guys for the shooting. Somebody arrived from Barcelona, like me, but at different times – in order to avoid overbooking the make-up session! – others were already in Madrid and one guy arrived from Valencia. 2 make- up artists, 1 manicure, 1 hair stylist, stylists, editor, photographer, catering, assistants, in other words all the huge machine that you already know.
After 7 shots we were free and many of us have come back to Barcelona, where I arrived at almost midnight. A quick shower and straight to bed to recharge the batteries.
Today I had a casting, a fitting and also went to the agency to pick up my tickets and details for my job of tomorrow. Then I took Giulio to the park, washed the dishes and published some picts on my professional page.
I still have to prepare my nails for tomorrow (I still have a fluo pink on my toes) and go to the supermarket. But before all this I need to rest a little… and tomorrow is another day…
…Nooooooooo!! 5 o’ clock again!!
A big hug from the hot and sunny Barcelona world.